Innovations & Initiatives to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce
Thursday September 7, 2023
Cross Border Conversation: Innovations & Initiatives to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce
In 2022, our Time to Care TSLCA Summit extensively explored direct care workforce challenges, opportunities, and possibilities. This conversation revisits this critical topic, highlights important efforts underway across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, shares resources and learnings, and clarifies what’s needed to continue to make progress on this critical issue!
Jake McDonald, Senior State Policy Advocacy Specialist with PHI, will help us frame the conversation by sharing national trends, innovations, and promising strategies, as well as a wealth of resources.
Arthur Phillips, Economic Policy Analyst, Maine Center for Economic Policy
Nicole Marchesi, Project Manager, Maine Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Jen Jones, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Maine Council on Aging
Geoff Vercauteren, Director of Workforce Development, Network 4 Health
Laura Davie, Interim Director/Co-Director, Institute for Health Policy & Practice/Center on Aging & Community Living, UNH
Carolyn Bowen, Project Manager, Vermont DAIL
Christine Werneke, President and COO, UVM Health Network – Home Health and Hospice
Our panelists discuss:
- Formal coalitions or partnerships working together to address the direct care workforce crisis
- Strategies being used to make direct care jobs competitive
- Innovative policy and infrastructure solutions
- How our cultural perceptions of the value of direct care need to change
- Data gaps that must be addressed to understand and solve this issue